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An individual from Bridgton, Maine that struggles with an alcoholism problem will continue to drink, absent treatment, regardless of the negative consequences that are related to their alcohol addiction. Eventually, the individual from Bridgton, Maine will develop an increased tolerance to alcohol and they will then have to drink in order to just be able to function; thus entering the unpredictable world of alcoholism.
The exact causes of alcoholism are not definitively known. People in Bridgton who start drinking heavily at an early age are reported to have an increased tendency towards alcoholism and peer pressure and environmental factors have also been reported to be common risk factors. Individuals in Bridgton that have experienced physical or sexual abuse in childhood additionally have a higher likelihood of developing an alcohol addiction.
An individual from Bridgton, ME. with an alcohol addiction needs to seek help from an Alcohol Abuse Rehabilitation Program without delay. Alcohol is considered to be a drug because of the effect that alcohol has on our minds, bodies and emotions. More people in Bridgton, ME. have been reported of dying from alcoholism as compared to those who are addicted to drugs.
Getting treatment for an individual in Bridgton, Maine that has an alcohol addiction is a life saving measure, in many instances. Alcohol rehabilitation is readily available in Bridgton, Maine. A quality Alcohol Abuse Rehab Program can help a person with an alcoholism problem to get to the point where they can become sober and remain that way, long term.
Alcohol detoxification is the first step in the Bridgton Alcoholism Treatment Center process; the detox process includes the abrupt cessation of alcohol intake and is a vital step that must be completed in order for the individual that is struggling with alcoholism to be successfully rehabilitated. A person that is undergoing the detox process will experience uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms that can be extremely serious and potentially deadly; for this reason alone, it is highly advisable that an individual from Bridgton be overseen in a professional treatment setting during the detoxification process.
An individual from Bridgton that has an alcohol addiction has the choice of many different treatment options including holistic alcoholism treatment, residential alcohol rehab, therapeutic communities, adolescent alcohol treatment programs, partial hospitalization rehab treatment programs, outpatient rehab treatment programs and inpatient alcohol addiction rehab treatment.
We are here to help to help you and your family in Bridgton to deal with the issues surrounding your alcoholism problem, because we understand that alcohol addiction wreaks havoc on the entire family. Our primary goal is to assist you in getting the help of an Alcohol Addiction Rehab Center that you or your loved one in Bridgton are in need of. Pick up the phone and dial the toll-free phone number in order to speak to one of our compassionate counselors today.
Alcohol Treatment Facilities in and around Bridgton, Maine
- Tri County Mental Health Services Bridgton, ME, 4009
- NFI North Inc Bridgton, ME, 4009
- Being Well Counseling LLC Oxford, ME, 4270
- Oxford County Mental Health Services South Paris, ME, 4281
- Summit Achievement Fryeburg, ME, 4037
- Smart Child and Family Services Windham, ME, 4062
- Christopher Aaron Counseling Ctr LLC Gray, ME, 4039
- Tracy Audet LCSW LADC Auburn, ME, 4210
- Pathways of Maine Inc Auburn, ME, 4210
- Catholic Charities Maine Auburn, ME, 4210
- Contact Us
- Genetics: Alcoholism is a complex health issue. Therefore, there are likely to be many genes involved in increasing a person's risk for alcoholism. Scientists are searching for these genes, and have found areas on chromosomes where they are probably located. Powerful new techniques may permit researchers to identify and measure the specific contribution of each gene to the complex behaviors associated with heavy drinking. This research will provide the basis for new medications to treat alcohol-related problems.
- In 1932, Franklin D. Roosevelt promised the repeal of Prohibition if he was elected. Shortly after becoming president, Roosevelt legalized beer sales.
- Amount youth in the United States, alcohol is the most commonly used and abused drug, more than tobacco and illicit drugs.
- Most people who ever have an episode of drinking too much tend to do so for the first time by the time they are in their mid teens.
- AA Meetings in Bridgton, ME.
Bridgton Group
First Congregational Church
77 High Street
Bridgton, Maine 4009
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Tuesday, 8:00 PM
Bridgton New Day Group
American Legion
Depot Street
Bridgton, Maine 4009
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Monday, 12:00 PM
Tuesday, 12:00 PM
Wednesday, 12:00 PM
Thursday, 12:00 PM
Friday, 12:00 PM
- Bridgton, ME. Al-Anon Support Group Meetings
St. Joseph's Catholic Church
225 High St.
Bridgton, Maine
Al-Anon Meeting Times
Tue., 7:00 PM
For more information, visit