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Alcohol addiction and alcoholism in North Berwick, ME. is a widespread problem facing the community. Because alcohol use is so accepted in just about every part of the world, the consequences of its abuse are not often considered by those who consume it.
Alcohol is a drug, and it is just as easy for someone to become addicted to alcohol as with any other addictive drug. Alcohol addiction in North Berwick can take over a person's life, to the point where they are consumed in their addiction instead of tending to important matters in their personal and social life.
Alcohol addiction and alcoholism in North Berwick can have serious health consequences. Alcohol is a drug, and is absorbed through the bloodstream, affecting every organ in the body. If individuals involved in alcohol addiction do not seek help, the long term consequences can be devastating. Besides the physical consequences, the time spent involved in alcohol addiction and alcoholism is time spent away from productive and constructive things in life. Sooner or later, the individual will end up destroying everything important to them. This is why it is so important that the community of North Berwick is aware of the consequences of alcohol addiction and alcoholism and get help if needed.
Alcohol Addiction Treatment Facilities in North Berwick are available to help individuals overcome alcohol addiction and alcoholism. Instead of using alcohol to try to make their problems temporarily go away, individuals will gain the life skills to be able to confront life's problems head on. They will be empowered to get their lives back on track and start living again.
An Alcohol Abuse Rehabilitation Program in North Berwick is the first step for someone who has been involved in long-term alcohol addiction. This is due to the withdrawal symptoms they will experience as a result of physical dependence they have developed. The staff of an Alcohol Abuse Rehab Program understands this, and have successfully gotten countless individuals through withdrawal and alcohol detoxification. This is a much better option than trying to quit cold turkey on one's own.
Treatment options in North Berwick, Maine are abundant, and vary depending on the needs of the individual. There are Long-term Alcohol Treatment Centers, Outpatient Alcohol Abuse Rehabilitation Programs, Short-term Alcoholism Treatment Centers, Inpatient Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers, support group meetings, counseling, halfway houses and sober living.
Don't let alcohol addiction or alcoholism take control your life for even one more day. Contact an Alcoholism Treatment Center in North Berwick today and find out which treatment options are best for you.
Alcohol Treatment Facilities in and around North Berwick, Maine
- Recovery Maine Inc North Berwick, ME, 3906
- Waban Projects Inc Sanford, ME, 4073
- Richer Counseling Services Springvale, ME, 4083
- Recovery Associates of Southern Maine Wells, ME, 4090
- York County Shelter Program Inc Alfred, ME, 4002
- York County Shelters Programs Inc Alfred, ME, 4002
- Kennebunk Counseling Center Kennebunk, ME, 4043
- Carolyn Curtis LCSW LADC Kennebunk, ME, 4043
- Crossroads Kennebunk, ME, 4043
- York Hospital York, ME, 3909
- Contact Us
- The primary reason that women metabolize alcohol more slowly than men because there is a smaller amount of the alcohol metabolizing enzyme dehydrogenase in the stomach in women. Because less of this enzyme is present, more alcohol passes through the stomach to the duodenum, which is the main alcohol-absorbing portion of the gut.
- "Social use" of alcohol consists of an occasional drink in the company of friends: a glass of champagne at a wedding, a cold beer after a softball game, or a glass of fine wine with a meal; social drinking has not been shown to kill brain cells, nor is there any research that indicates that occasionally having an alcoholic beverage adversely affects any major body organ.
- Rum was shipped to Africa where it could be traded for slaves.
- Much medical research has indicated that excessive use of alcohol can break down heart muscle and cause a condition that is referred to as cardiomyopathy; this information can be extremely useful to individuals who are heavy drinkers and have a family history of heart disease.
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