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Alcohol addiction and alcoholism in Gardiner, ME. are problems which have become very evident in the community. Having a drink to celebrate or having a drink after a fight with your spouse is considered "normal". Alcohol is after all the most abused drug in the world and using alcohol in excess is becoming all too common in our society today.
When an individual in Gardiner turns to alcohol to feel happier or to take his mind off of his problems, and this becomes a pattern of abuse, there is a problem with alcohol addiction or alcoholism. If an individual can't have just one or two drinks, and can't manage his consumption of alcohol he is not in control.
Alcohol addiction and alcoholism can devastate a person physically, and can destroy every part of their life. Under the influence of alcohol, individuals in Gardiner, Maine are doing things which are damaging to themselves and the people that care about them most. A person who is addicted to alcohol will sooner or later end up with nothing. The ultimate price is their life, and that is why it is so important that they get help.
Alcoholism Rehabilitation Programs in Gardiner greatly increase an individual's chances for a full recovery. Through counseling and peer support, individuals can begin the healing process and become empowered to make the needed changes in their life and environment. Through treatment, individuals addicted to alcohol in Gardiner can be empowered to handle what life throws their way instead of using alcohol to run away from life.
Long time alcoholics who have developed a physical dependence to alcohol will experience withdrawal symptoms when they stop drinking. Alcohol Detox Facilities and Alcoholism Rehabs in Gardiner have successfully helped many individuals through withdrawal and detox so that they can move on to the next steps of treatment. There is no need for someone to go through this uncomfortable and often painful process alone, it can be a smooth transition into treatment for them.
Treatment options in Gardiner, Maine vary depending on the individual's needs. There are Long-term Alcohol Addiction Rehabilitation Centers, Outpatient Alcohol Rehabilitation Programs, Short-term Alcohol Abuse Rehabilitation Centers, Inpatient Alcohol Addiction Treatment Programs, support group meetings, substance abuse counseling, halfway houses and sober living.
If you're addicted to alcohol in Gardiner, ME. get the help you need before it is too late. Contact an Alcohol Abuse Rehabilitation Program in Gardiner to find out which options are available for you and get started today.
Alcohol Treatment Facilities in and around Gardiner, Maine
- Sweetser Affiliate Gardiner, ME, 4345
- Eastern Avenue Augusta, ME, 4330
- David Lawrence MS LADC CCS Waterville, ME, 4903
- Crisis and Counseling Centers Inc Augusta, ME, 4330
- Kennebec Behavioral Health Augusta, ME, 4330
- MGCC Outpatient Counseling Augusta, ME, 4330
- Maine Behavioral Health Organization Augusta, ME, 4330
- Spencer Street Augusta, ME, 4330
- Anglez Behavioral Health Winthrop, ME, 4364
- South Belfast Windsor, ME, 4363
- Contact Us
- According to data from a study by the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), heavy drinking can increase the risk for certain cancers, especially those of the liver, esophagus, throat, and larynx (voice box).
- The damage that is reported to be caused by alcohol-acetaminophen interaction is more likely to occur when acetaminophen is taken after, rather than before, the liquor has been metabolized. Drinking alcohol affects the metabolism of a wide variety of other medications, increasing the activity of some and diminishing the activity of others, thereby decreasing their effectiveness.
- In the U.S., more than 40% of those who start drinking at age 14 or younger become alcoholic.
- In the U.S., the consumption of beer ranks fourth, right behind soft drinks, milk, and coffee.
- AA Meetings in Gardiner, ME.
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Gardinger United Methodist Church
31 Highland Avenue
Gardiner, Maine 4345
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Tuesday, 7:00 PM
Easy Does It
Gardiner Congregational Church
46 Church Street
Gardiner, Maine 4345
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Tuesday, 7:00 PM
Gardiner Group
Gardiner Congregational Church
46 Church Street
Gardiner, Maine 4345
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Sunday, 7:00 PM
For more information, visit