Treatment Centers by City
- Portland
- Bangor
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- Augusta
- Waterville
- Caribou
- Ellsworth
- Biddeford
- South Portland
- Skowhegan
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- Dover Foxcroft
- Machias
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- Lisbon
- Old Orchard Beach
- Rockport
- Sanford
- South Paris
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- York
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- Mexico
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- North Berwick
- Old Town
- Orono
- Perry
- Princeton
- Randolph
- Sabattus
- Searsport
- South China
- Southwest Harbor
- Standish
- Stetson
- Surry
- Waldoboro
- Wells
- West Newfield
- Windsor
- Discovery House CTC of Bangor
- Discovery House CTC of Bangor
is located at 74 Dowd Road Bangor, ME. 4401 and can be contacted by calling 207-947-6800 x686.
Treatment Services Offered: Alcohol Addiction Treatment, Methadone Maintenance, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment, Dual Diagnosis, AIDS/HIV Clients, Expectant Mothers, Women, Men
Payment Options: Payment Assistance Through Medicaid, Insurance - Private Pay, Self Pay
- Contact Us
- Excessive alcohol consumption and drinking problems among White women are most common in younger age groups.
- When you look at the various blood alcohol concentration levels, physical alcohol abuse effects include: Stupor - When the body reaches a .40 BAC, the individual will have a hard time functioning and will look disoriented or dazed.
- Vomiting is a defense system of the body which prevents too much alcohol from being absorbed.
- Almost 2,000 people under 21 years of age die each year in car crashes in which underage drinking is involved. Alcohol is involved in nearly half of all violent deaths involving teens.
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